Connected Grids, Energy Systems and Power Generators


November 3rd, 2020

28 mins 40 secs

Season 1

Your Host
Special Guests

About this Episode

Whether it is your power generator at home, a larger power generation system at your facility, the electricity grid or the mobile equipment such as locomotives, boats and mining trucks, connected energy systems and power generators help facilities and mobile equipment all around the world.

Connected energy systems are not only cool but can also help drive clean energy transition within our electricity grid, and ensure business continuity, improving economics.
Join Thomas, Dana and Norbert as they share real life examples of how business owners, facility managers, operators and maintenance crews extract tangible value from their connected power generation systems and engines.

Independent of your industry, if you are an energy-minded professional or have a role focused on sustainability, energy management, facilities and mobile equipment, you will enjoy hearing the perspectives on the following debates:

  • What customer problems can connectivity solve in energy and power generation?
  • What is the difference across levels of connectivity between remote monitoring, diagnostics, condition-based maintenance and prognostics?
  • What is the role of human involvement as the connectivity technologies advance?
  • How will connectivity empower the electricity grid of the future?

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